Monday, 14 October 2019


Traditional Games


At present, the people in Kalimantan or South Kalimantan, in particular, are very enthusiastic to re-echo a folk game that was often carried out by the Banjar community until the 1980s. This folk game is known as the 'Balogo Game' or 'Logo'. Starting from the Provincial Government, Regional Government and some community game lovers in South Kalimantan are very serious and enthusiastic to preserve the traditional Balogo game which is a cultural heritage of the Banjar tribe so as not to be eroded by the game of the digital era today.

Now in this post, we will explore and get to know more about the traditional Balogo game which is a typical game of the Banjar tribe. But before discussing this Balogo traditional game, it helps us discuss first the nature of traditional games. Let's Go ...

What is the meaning of games and traditional games? and what is the difference?

The Game
The game is a recreational activity with the aim of having fun, free time, or light exercise. The game is usually done alone or together (groups)

According to Nugroho (2005), The term game comes from the basic word "play (permainan)" which gets an affix "per-an". In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, playing is doing something that is pleasing to the heart (by using tools or not).
So, the game is:
1. Something that is used for playing, goods or something being played with.
2. Playing things, playing acts (W.J.S. Poerwadarminta, 1984 in Nugroho, 2005).

Understanding the game has now let us look at the understanding of the traditional game guess ...

Traditional Game
According to Yulita (2017), Traditional games are games that have existed since ancient times, played from generation to generation. Aids in traditional games are made of wood, bamboo, shells and surrounding objects. That is, traditional games don't require large costs.

Furthermore, Hapsari (2012) Traditional games or games are cultural elements that cannot be underestimated, because traditional games have a great influence on the mental development, nature, and social life of children in the future.

....................................... Some of these games, because they were created in a long time passed, are called with traditional games, while on the other hand some of the more recent games (and usually use sophisticated equipment) are called modern games

Then furthermore, Eka (2012) Traditional games are often referred to as folk games, a game that grew and developed in the past, especially growing in rural communities. Traditional games grow and develop based on the needs of the local community, most traditional games are influenced by the natural environment, therefore traditional games are always interesting, entertaining according to the current conditions.

Traditional games certainly must be identified elements of tradition that have close links with the habits or customs of a particular community group. The activity must have strong physical elements that obviously involve large muscle groups and also contain elements of play that underlie the intent and purpose of the activity. That is, activity is said to be a traditional sport if the activity is still recognized as having certain traditional characteristics, involving large muscles and the presence of a strategy and the base does not really look like what it displays.
Traditional games are not just a means of comforting the heart, just refreshing the mind or just a means of exercise but have a variety of backgrounds that are patterned recreational, competitive, pedagogical, magical and religious.

Okay, Guess ...

after we read some of the definitions above about games and traditional games, we can conclude that there are differences between games and traditional games in terms of terms used, where traditional games fall into one of the categories in the game. Traditional games become special with marked games that were created in the past. However, basically, games and traditional games are the same activities carried out happily, fun in spare time without any element of coercion from any party or voluntarily.

Now we come to the core of our discussion of the traditional Balogo game, you must be impatient to learn about the traditional Balogo game. Here are the data that I collected about the traditional Balogo game. Kemont ’...

Please watch the following video:

Traditional "Balogo" Game

Balogo is a type of traditional game from South Kalimantan. The name Balogo is taken from the word logo because the game uses a logo. The traditional game of the Banjar Tribe is usually played by children to adults, both in groups and individually. The number of players consists of two to five people 

History of traditional games
After searching in GOOGLE, I found Balogo game history; .......... Balogo traditional game has been played by the Banjar tribe from the beginning until the 1980s ....... For those of you who want to know more about the history of traditional balogo games, I explore and maybe you can also do the same thing that I did following some of the referral sources including.

The Purpose of Traditional Balogo Games, also known as folk games, is a recreational activity that not only aims to entertain oneself but also as a tool for maintaining relationships and social comfort.

The benefits
The benefits of Balogo's traditional games have a profound influence on the development of the psyche, nature, and social life (developing an attitude of empathy and respect for others) and to develop character, one of which is hard work.

Please watch the following video:

Rules and games
Field and equipment

Balogo traditional playing fields or areas are generally rectangular in shape. Which consists of the "area penepak"  and the "area pasang", usually a deadline of at least 15 m.

  • The 'Logo' is made of coconut shell. The diameter is about 5-7 cm and the thickness is around 1-2 cm. Most are made of two layers which are glued together with asphalt or putty so that it is heavy and strong. The shapes are various, some are in the form of bidawang (bulus), biuku (penyu), segi tiga, layang-layang, daun dan bundar.
  • "Panapak" or sometimes some areas call it "campai", which is a stick or paddle that is about 40 cm long and 2 cm wide. The function of panapak or campai is to push the logo so that it can slide and knock down the opponent's logo which is mounted while playing.

Number of players 1 person for singles and teams with a minimum of 2 people and a maximum of 5 people. Generally contested in the categories of children (sons and daughters), adults (sons and daughters) and without an age limit (male and female).

The essence of this game is the skill to play the logo in order to knock down the opponent's logo that is installed. The team that can knock the opponent's logo down is the most who wins. And, as the end of the game, the winning party is called a "beard (janggut)" and may the chin or beard of the losing party while repeatedly shouting "beard (janggut-janggut)" which certainly makes the losing party embarrassed, but can accept it as a defeat.

Game Course
Players are required to knock down or drop the "logo" that has been installed. The way to put a "logo" is to erect it in a backward row on the transverse lines. The essence of this game is the skill to play the "logo" in order to knock down the "logo" installed. Balogo game can be done one on one or in teams. If played in teams, then the number of players who "go up" (who play the game) must be the same as the number that is "pairs" (players whose logos are installed to be torn down). The number of team players is at least 2 people and a maximum of 5 people. Thus, the number of logos played is the number of players agreed in the game.

Cultural values
The values ​​contained in the balogo game are skill, hard work, teamwork, and sportsmanship. Skill values ​​are reflected in the installation of logos that require special expertise. The value of hard work is reflected in the efforts of the players to knock down the opponent's logo. Then, the value of cooperation is reflected not only in the installation of the logo but also in the breakdown of the opponent's logo. And, the value of sportsmanship is reflected in the willingness of the losing players to be stunned by the winner because the rules are so.

Please watch the following video:

SWOT Analysis of Traditional "Balogo" Games
  • Strength (a strength possessed by Balogo Traditional Games)
Strengths or strengths of the traditional "Balogo" game are suitable for children and older people because this game is very easy to play and Balogo games can be played anywhere (outdoor or indoor). Balogo Games/competitions at the Regency and South Kalimantan and Kalimantan Provinces are generally very mushrooming with millions of rupiah prize competitions.

Balogo games are often played/competed when there are big and important events. The balogo game was even completed and exhibited at the national level when Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan hosted the 2019 HAORNAS.

So, Balogo's traditional game is one of the traditional games that will survive in this digital age era and have the potential to become a branch of achievement sports and can go international.

  • Weakness (a weakness that may be possessed Balogo Traditional Games)
In this case, the weakness that is owned is that the majority of Balogo traditional games are only known by the people who live in Kalimantan. Game tools/accessories such as; logo and stick (campa) for the time being only Kalimantan people are able to make it. Game rules and match systems are not standard. And still less than the maximum socialization/promotion of Balogo traditional games outside the province of Kalimantan.

  • Opportunity (is an opportunity or opportunity that can be done to develop Balogo Traditional Games)
The Balogo game has an appeal because it is one of the traditional games of the Banjar ethnic heritage which must be preserved and preserved. The Balogo game is very unique and this game only exists in Kalimantan. Playing a Balogo game means that the player also preserves cultural heritage plus Natural Resources and Human Resources owned by Kalimantan can boost this traditional sport towards achievement sports.

  • Threats (is a threat that comes from outside)
The emergence of modern education (games) today seems to leave the traditional game endangered. Addicted to children and adults to electronic games; for example android games and internet games that have super fast development.

In order to preserve the traditional spirit of the game "Balogo" as a cultural heritage that must be preserved and timeless (like a song ... hehe ..), it is expected that all stakeholders, all Kalimantan residents, especially and traditional sports lovers throughout Indonesia, always try to always maintain Balogo games with;
  1. Holding repetition events/matches which are added annually.
  2. Routinely holding socialization/promotion of Balogo games at home and abroad
  3. Conduct a scientific approach by extending research on traditional "Balogo" games published both nationally and internationally.

That is what I can explain about the "BALOGO" Traditional Game. More or less Please forgive, Criticism and Feedback will always be waiting for the perfection of this post. Hopefully, this post is useful for me and for you who read it. Thanks. Greetings Sports ... JAYA !!.

#pendidikanjasmani #pendidikanolahraga #permainantradisional 

Eka Candra Arista A, Pengaruh Permainan Tradisional Terhadap Keterampilan Anak Prasekolah, (Skripsi. Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, 2012), hal.53.
Hapsari, Tia. Perancangan Game Traditional dari Kalimantan “Balogo” dengan menggunakan Unity. (Naskah Publikasi.  STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta:2012)
Nugroho, Agung. Permainan Tradisional Anak-Anak Sebagai Sumber Ide Dalam Penciptaan Karya Seni Grafis. (Tugas Akhir.  Universitas Sebelas Maret  Surakarta. 2005).
Yulita, Rizky. 2017. Permainan Tradisional Anak Nusantara. Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa: Jakarta Timur.

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