Thursday, 19 May 2016



Legal Basis for Physical Education

Physical education is education through physical activity or motion to achieve the goal as a process to develop all aspects of learners who aimed to score Indonesia fully human character, human Indonesia are physically and mentally healthy.

Physical education as an integral part of the educational process as a whole. Gait physical education in working to achieve national education goals, building on Republic Act No. 20 of 2003, article 1, paragraph 1 of the National Education System explained that education is a conscious effort made learners through guidance, instruction, and training for its role in future. Thus the national education system is a unified whole and integrated of all units and educational activities. One national system of educational activities to be performed is the physical education program of exercise and health (physical education) as set forth in Chapter IX Article 39 point 3 k. about the content of physical education curriculum materials research and health, which is one of the educational curriculum of study materials. That means the study of physical education and health sport is a vehicle to achieve educational goals overall in the education system components such as national. With physical education as one of the subsystems of education that must be taught in schools, it is due to have a very important role in the formation of human Indonesia full of character. The impact that will be obtained from the results of these educational activities is of the ability of both physical and mind for man to finish and facing the challenges of life in the present and future.


Physical education is a process of education through physical activity to produce a change in totality in self-learners, both in terms of physical, mental, and emotional, and even physical spiritual. Education assigns motion to learners as individuals with a unit that intact between the physical and the spiritual, Therefore, physical education is not only a physical development activity in isolation but must be in the context of general education. Of course, the process is done consciously and systematically involve; interactions between principals to Achieve the goals set.

Apparently, Physical education is a field of study that is quite spacious with a focus on the improvement of human motion. More specifically, Physical education related to the relationship between human movement and other educational regions and the relationship of the development of the body (physical) with the mind and soul. The point on the influence of the physical development of the region's growth and development of other aspects of the human being. That is what makes physical education is something unique and others from other subject areas are concerned with the total development in humans.

But so far, in fact, there are many who think that physical education is the education of the sport, it is based on the confusion in the learning activities that will be discussed more deeply about the meaning of physical education.

Physical education is an important part of the educational process. That is, physical education as a subject not only complementary to the school program makes students busy without direction and purpose. Physical education through well-directed, learners will develop useful skills, engage in physical activities that are conducive to physical fitness, healthy living, social, and mental health. Understanding physical education is often obscured by other concepts, where physical education is equated with any business or activity that leads to the development of the organs of the human body (bodybuilding), physical fitness, physical activities, and the development of skills. Understanding that provides a narrow and misleading sense of actual physical education. Although it is true that physical activity has a specific purpose, because it is not associated with educational objectives, the activities it does not contain the elements of pedagogy. All of the above activities is different from physical education, these activities are mostly just refers to one purpose only, especially the development of the physical, yet covers all aspects such as physical education. Not all physical education teachers aware of this, so many thought that physical education should be conducted by teachers of other subjects. This is reflected from the various negative image of teaching physical education, ranging from the weaknesses of the process, for example, allow learners to play alone up to the low quality of learning outcomes, such as low physical fitness. Among physical education teachers often assumed that the physical education lessons can be held a potluck, so that implementation enough by having the students go to the field, providing footballs for boys and volleyball for women. Teachers just watching on the sidelines.

Why did it happen this way? This weakness stems from the misunderstanding of the concept of physical education teachers' physical education in schools. A physical education teacher should be clear on the definition, principles, functions, and role of physical education really is.

To understand the above you should listen to some of the experts' understanding of physical education as follows;

Ateng (1993) argues that: Physical education is an integral part of the overall education through a variety of physical activities that aim to develop organically, neuromuscular, intellectual, and emotional. Further Freeman (2001: 3) states that: "Physical education uses physical activity to produce holistic improvement in a Pearson's physical, mental, and emotional." That is physical education is an education that uses physical activity to produce the development of the overall learners physically, mentally and emotionally. It also expressed by Mahendra (2003: 4) that: "Physical education is in itself an educational process that utilizes physical activity to produce a holistic change in the quality of the individual, both in terms of physical, mental and emotional." Ridwan (2003) adds that physical education has wider coverage and abstract, the formation of the quality of mind and body, which affects all aspects of a person's daily life.

Fourth opinions mentioned above it can be concluded that Physical Education is a process of education through physical activity, game or sport that is chosen to achieve educational goals. Establishing the notion that physical education is an integral part of general education. The goal is to help students to grow and develop naturally in accordance with national education goals, which form the complete Indonesian man spiritually. So and bodily health, physical education is defined as the process of education through physical activity or sport. Core understanding is to educate students, and that distinguishes it from other subjects is the tool used is a human motion, moving consciously human. The motion was designed consciously by the teacher and given the right circumstances, in order to stimulate the growth and development of learners in totality.

The purpose of physical education is included in the exposure above which gives an opportunity to students to learn a variety of activities that foster and develop the potential of learners, both in terms of physical, mental, social, emotional and moral. On the moral aspect of this as a feature of the implementation of character education in physical education. Sense of the word character can be understood in general that the positive moral qualities (Anwar, 2010 in Mutohir., Et al., 2011: 40). This is reinforced by the Ministry of National Education. 2010 in Mutohir, et al., 2011, that character education should begin at primary school age through to instill the values ​​of character, disposition, and positive moral that aims to nurture kindness and goodness always realize it in everyday life. In physical education teachers must strive to design teaching physical education to instill traits of these characters, according to pillars of character/values ​​namely; honest, respectful, responsible, fair behaved, caring and civilized (Infallible 2010, in Mutohir, et al, 2011).

The mission included in the physical education learning objectives includes the domain of cognitive, affective and psychomotor, as well as physical fitness. The development of knowledge or social characteristics is not just the impact of a companion that accompanies movement skills. That goal should be included in the planning and learning scenario. The same position with the purpose of learning psychomotor domain development and physical fitness.

In this case, to achieve that goal, teachers need to familiarize themselves to teach learners about what will be learned based on an understanding of the principles underlying it. The purpose of physical education is essentially an elaboration of the national education goals as stated in the objectives of the curriculum of physical education in elementary schools in 2006, namely;
  1. Develop self-management skills in the development and maintenance of physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle through sports activities selected. 
  2. Increase physical growth and psychological development better. 
  3. Improving the ability and basic movement skills. 
  4. Laying the foundation of a strong moral character through the internalization of the values ​​embodied in physical education, sports, and health. 
  5. Develop sportsmanship, honesty, discipline, responsibility, cooperation, confidence, and democratic. Develop the skills to maintain the safety of themselves, other people and the environment.
  6. Understanding the concept of physical activity and sport in a clean environment as information to achieve perfect physical growth, healthy lifestyles, and fitness, skilled, and have a positive attitude.
Activities of social interaction that occurs in a didactic role deliberately used to grow a variety of emotional and social awareness of learners of character. Thus students will grow and develop in totality, which will support the achievement of various abilities. Similar opinion was also expressed Barrow in Freeman (2001) that: 

Physical education can be defined as education through human movement, when the purpose of education is achieved through the medium of muscle activity, including sport (sport), games, gymnastics and physical exercise. 

Results to be achieved is a physically educated individuals. This value is one part of the value of an educated individual, and meaningful when it is only concerned with the lives of individuals.

The significance of physical education is education provided through physical activity, but the goal still refers to all aspects of education, including aspects of a psychological (mental growth) and social learners. The hope of learners in the learning process can increase physical activity, it can also develop their mental growth. Thus physical education more meaningful in the life of society as sustainable. So real the values ​​embodied in physical education does not stop after teaching physical education finished, but hopefully always evolving throughout life in the life of society.

The above understanding is also reinforced by James A. Baley and Field in Freeman (2001) that physical education is meant is a physical activity that requires painstaking effort. Furthermore, both experts stated that:

'Physical education is a process of adaptation and learning organically, neuromuscular, intellectual, social, cultural, emotional, and aesthetic resulting from the process of selecting a variety of physical activities.'

The selected physical activity should be adjusted to the objectives to be achieved. Physical activity is selected and done, it must be reasonable activity and not imposed, so that all learners can do it happily, without pressure from teachers, so that all aspects are being targeted in physical education can be achieved.

In addition to the understanding of physical education that have been revealed by the experts above, the basic education curriculum (2003:1) more cemented again on the definition of physical education, namely;

"Physical education is a process of education that utilizes the physical activity that is planned systematically aimed at improving individual organically, neorumuscular, perceptual, cognitive and emotional."

Based on some of the formula above, it can be assessed that physical education is part of the overall education that uses physical activity as learning activities to improve the physical abilities and the values ​​of a function which includes cognitive, affective, psychomotor, mental and social, including lifestyle healthy as well as physical fitness.

Hopefully, through the learning activities organized physical education and sustainable development of the life of learners will be more perfect, not only expand and grow physically but also emotionally and socially will be better because it is able to interact well too. The statement was supported by the opinion of Sukintaka (2004: 21) that physical education is a process of interaction between learners with the environment through physical activity systematically arranged toward the Indonesian people fully.

As one example, when the physical education teacher assigns students to play football, then it will form small groups. In small groups it will be established a strong relationship between the individual, they will work well together in order to achieve a victory. It must be emphasized also that in the game, each individual must be of good sportsmanship, respect for colleagues, opponents and even friends who served as referees.

From the above examples are expected to learners not only have fun but also transform himself mentally, emotionally and intellectually that leads to better personal change. It is an implementation of character education in physical education.


Abdul Kadir Ateng. 1993. Pendidikan Olahraga. Jakarta: IKIP Jakarta
Agus Mahendra. 2003. Falsafah Pendidikan Jasmani. Jakarta: Direktorat Pendidikan Luar Biasa
William H. Freeman. 2001. Physical Education and Sport in a Changing Society, 6th Edition. Campbell University


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